Sunday, March 1, 2015

I got a new table saw!

This should help with the deluge of projects I plan on tackling around the house this year!  It is ~240lbs so it will be a chore to get it from my shed up the hill to my driveway.  Once I get (if I get) my garage things should get much better.  I will have to make some type of all terrain table saw sled.  =)  I also picked up a 90 tooth Diablo finish blade.
Cast Iron 10"


  1. I do believe I might be getting "saw envy"! I heard a good idea about making the table dual use, if you have the space or can get another leaf for the saw table, mount a router under it to make it a router table and then you can use the fence for ether tool and you don't have two tables.

  2. During my research I bumped into those. It seamed like a very good idea. If I get one made I will share what I have.
