Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Van Brakes, Again

Well, I was a bit under the weather this weekend so I didn't get much of anything done.  I felt somewhat better on Monday so I took the day off and did some projects around that house.  Well, that was the plan.  I was only able to work on one project but I did get that done.

I just did a brake job on the Caravan's front brakes.  When I got done, they were still very spongy and didn't really stop the van.  I decided to buy a brake bleed kit and change out the brake fluid to see if that fixed it.  (Sometimes air can get in the line and cause just such a problem.)  Once I got out to work on them Monday morning I realized I have four wheel disk brakes and I only changed the fronts.  The back breaks needed changed too.  That is what happens when you finish a brake job in the dark and you go from memory.  =)

Tonya and I went into town and got some brakes and rotors ($115 for the rear.  It is not hard.  Do it yourself and save quite a bit of money).  I replaced the rear brakes and changed out the old brake fluid with new synthetic brake fluid.  The kit worked well but it was faster to use the kit while having Mrs. Ffreeze pump the brakes to get all of the fluid out.  It works much better now and the Caravan is clear to cart the Dr. Ffreeze family around.

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